Monday, August 5, 2013

Mind-Less Monday and Shooting Star Flowers

Mind-Less Monday
Stifling Heat, Monsoon Rains,
Moonflowers, Shooting Stars,
and Well-Fed Caterpillars

On this Mind-Less Monday, I’m fighting the urge to jump in my car and speed to the nearest home improvement center, hardware store, discount merchant, or even convenience store and purchase a gallon of ultra-poison, ultra-toxic Bug Be Gone. However, I will mind less that some plants are chewed to the stems, Instead, I’ll note the butterflies as they flit from flower to flower. When the eggs they lay non-stop, all day, every day hatch into caterpillars that gobble the passionflowers to the nubs, I’ll re-mind myself that the Indian River Lagoon and its life forms are suffering from pesticides. I’ll be grateful for these pollinators because so much of what they munch isn’t necessary for me to feed myself. Except for the parsley. I love parsley, so I’m minding less that the black swallowtail larvae are munching, munching, munching. The parsley will grow again and as it does, I’ll watch the swallowtails' flight through my garden.

This Mind-Less Monday, I’ll forget the muggy heat that drives me indoors after too short a time outside. That heat and daily rain have contributed to high grass and flowerbeds that spill across their borders. I’ll mind less that my Welcome sign is hidden by vines. Instead, I’ll note the moonflower buds that promise stunning satin blooms after that heat-generating sun goes down every night.

More flowers! I am working on minding less that my pitcher plant has had no pitchers for six months. It continues to have these stunning sprays of flowers. I’ll note the buds that remind me of shooting stars or birds taking flight and try not to mind so much how I miss those pitchers.
 Mind-Less Monday continues to remind me to focus on what is important to bring to mind and and what I should mind less, much less. 

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