Shoulders Rise
in the Dance of Tension
My shoulders
have become an extension of my ear lobes. Far too often recently, I feel them
rise, rise, rise in a dance of tension as if they are hands reaching toward the
gold hoops in my ears.
This is not
the dance I imagine for myself. It lacks the fluid, graceful movements I prefer
as I move through life. My imagined dance does not involve clenching,
tightening, shoulders rising to where they don’t belong. My imagined dance has
me light of foot, floating like mist through an English cottage garden.
Conflict with
what I envision and the reality of what I feel as my shoulders tighten begin
the ascent to my ears wakes me. I stop the dance of stress and breathe. I speak
to myself in a gentle voice. I continue to breathe and lower those shoulders
until they return to their proper place. I breathe again into the space and
begin my preferred dance.