Can I Just Sit?
For Five Minutes?
I just sit? Can you? I don’t sit, unless I am doing something while sitting.
Can I focus on just one thing for five minutes?
scanned the amaryllis blooms as I watered them. They are gorgeous. I notice
them daily when I walk by or when I’m watering or weeding. They bloom for about
three weeks and then they are gone for another year.
I realized that not once in seven years have I taken any time to sit and look
at them. Three weeks out of fifty-two I see them in flower, and then I wait for
another forty-nine weeks until I see them again. They are so fleeting and I
don’t take the time. I challenged myself: “Can I just sit for five minutes and look at these flowers? Can I just sit and notice them for the first
time? Can I just sit without answering
the urge to weed, water, or trim? Can I just
sit and look at them in the context of doing nothing else?”
fetched my stool and my camera and I sat. I noticed. I did nothing anything else for at least five minutes.
In that time, I noticed that the throat of the amaryllis is deep green. I
noticed that it has six filaments. When my five minutes ended, I kept noticing
For the first time, I stuck one up to my nose: It smells like watermelon. I
noticed that the petals on one flower were chewed. I checked a not-quite-open
bud and found a rather satiated unidentified larva. I tossed it in the lot next
door because this was sitting time, not killing time.
noted that only a few buds remain to open and remembered that those will be the
last of the blooms. I noted droplets of water sliding off petals and leaves.
can just sit for five minutes. I can
notice. I can see and learn. Can you just
sit for five minutes? What will you notice?